Adopt a Family


Adopt a Family 2023 Information

For many families, the Holidays mean spending more time together and giving gifts to loved ones. However, some parents and guardians of our Club members are focused on paying their rent and keeping food on the table so their kids can have a comfortable place to sleep and full bellies at night. The extra expenses for things like gifts are just not always possible. Unfortunately, kids often don’t understand and just see that Santa didn’t come again.

With help from kind and generous donors like you, the Club tries to ease the burden on families in the greatest need through our Adopt a Family program. Club families, who are referred to the program by full-time staff, create wish lists for each child in their household (including their wishes for toys and clothing items they may need). The Club anonymously matches each family with a donor and provides the donor with the family’s wish lists so they can shop and wrap gifts for their adopted family.

Last year the Club was able to assist over 220 Club youth for the holidays! With your help, we can make the 2023 holiday season a joyful one again for many Boys & Girls Club members and families.

If you are interested in adopting a family this year, please fill out the Adopt a Family Form.

If you have any questions about Adopt a Family, contact Bethany Ferguson, Boys & Girls Club Development & Grants Coordinator, at 920- 233-1414, ext. 122, or Donors will be matched with families from late October through early November as families become available. We are also looking for donated hygiene baskets that can include basic household items like toilet paper, laundry detergent, hand soap, body wash, toothbrushes, etc. We found that parents are beyond grateful for this extra surprise as these are items they always need around the house.


There will be a safe drop-off for the gifts at the Club for donors and we will deliver them to the families for them to open on Christmas morning. The Club will be under construction on the Admin side of the building. Drop-offs (including hygiene baskets) MUST take place on one of the following dates and be dropped off ONLY at the Radford Center Entrance on the north end of the building.

December 7: Donor Drop off 6 – 8 p.m. at RADFORD CENTER
December 8: Donor Drop off 7-11 a.m. at RADFORD CENTER
ALL gifts will be going out to families on Dec. 8.

Proud sponsor of Healthy Habits and Triple Play programs

The Boys & Girls Club of Oshkosh is a United Way agency.