Basic Needs

Basic Needs Programs

All youth who come to the Boys & Girls Club of Oshkosh find a safe environment, caring adults, healthy meals and snacks, and quality programming. However, the additional ways we help individual kids and families is unique. We help meet the basic needs of our members by providing trips to the eye doctor or dentist, haircuts and showers, and, in some cases, assistance with tuition and help finding a job.

Adopt a Family

Club families who are in the greatest need work with Club staff to create holiday wish lists for each child in their family (including toy and clothing needs and wants). The Club matches each family with a supporter. Wish lists are given to supporters who shop and wrap gifts for their adopted family.

If you are interested in adopting a family for the holidays, please contact Development and Grants Coordinator, Bethany Ferguson, at or 920-233-1414, ext. 122.

If you are a Club family who is interested in being adopted out for the holidays, please contact the Director of Youth & Family Engagement, Danielle Bittelman, at or 920-233-1414, ext. 124.

Back to School Fair

The Oshkosh Community Back to School Fair, held yearly in August, provides 1,000 low-income Oshkosh students an equal opportunity to be better equipped with the necessary supplies to be successful in school. Each student receives a backpack with school supplies, a new outfit of school-appropriate clothing and hygiene items. Local hairstylists are on-site at the Fair to provide haircuts at no cost to students in attendance. A voucher is provided for shoes at Rogan’s in Oshkosh.

Learn more about how to sign up to attend the fair or volunteer here.

Youth & Family Grief Support Group

The Youth & Family Grief Support Group provides compassionate care to kids, teens, and families who have experienced a death through education and peer group support sessions. You do not need to be a Club family to participate. All services are offered to you and your family free of charge, including meals, support groups and child care (for children under 5 years old). Come to our group sessions every second Thursday of the month at the Club from 6-8 p.m. Before attending your first session, please contact our Grief Support Coordinators at to schedule a one-time orientation. Learn more about the Youth & Family Grief Support Group here.

Dental and Vision Care

This program is for Club members who do not have any form of insurance or medical assistance. The Club provides basic eye exams and eyewear for Club members in need. Members who need care beyond what is provided by the Tri-County Community Dental Clinic are able to receive assistance through this program.

If you would like more information about this program, please contact the Director of Youth & Family Engagement, Danielle Bittelman, at or 920-233-1414, ext. 124.

Meal Program

The Club understands and appreciates the need for a healthy diet among all of our Club members. It is our goal to encourage healthy eating habits that promote the well-being of our youth. The Club provides a healthy snack to all members throughout the week. Soda, energy drinks, fast food and unhealthy snacks are strongly discouraged.

Through funding from the USDA and the CACFP program, during the school year, the Club provides a snack after school at 3:45 p.m. and dinner at 5:30 p.m. (Dinner is served at 3:45 p.m. on early release days.) Through funding from the USDA and the SFSP program, in the summertime and on non-school days, the Club provides breakfast at 8:30 a.m., lunch at 12:00 p.m., and snack at 2:30 p.m. In accordance with Federal Law and USDA policy, our institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

Please notify the Club if your child has any food allergies or dietary concerns. Menus are posted outside of the kitchen one week in advance. A weekly menu can be requested. Members may bring their own meals and snacks if they choose.

If you have any questions about our food program, please contact COO, Lindsay Clark, at or 920-233-1414, ext. 114.

Scholarships Available for Boys & Girls Club Alumni

If you were a member of the Boys & Girls Club of Oshkosh and are now an adult exploring opportunities at a technical college, trade school, or four-year college, you could be eligible for a scholarship from the Club. Each year, the Club offers ten $1,000 scholarships to former members of the Club. If interested, please contact Administrative Services Coordinator, Angela Koepke, at or 920-233-1414 ext. 119.

Tri-County Community Dental Clinic

The Tri-County Community Dental Clinic makes several visits to the Club each year and provides care to qualifying Club members. Care includes basic cleanings, X-rays, sealants and other more comprehensive dental services.

The mobile clinic is funded by the J. J. Keller Foundation, the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation, John E Kuenzl Foundation, ThedaCare Foundation, Mielke Family Foundation, Woman’s Fund of Oshkosh, Jane & Tad Shepard Family Foundation and Oshkosh Corporation.

If you would like more information about the dental clinic visiting the Club, please contact the Director of Youth & Family Engagement, Danielle Bittelman, at or 920-233-1414, ext. 124.


All Club members have access to academic success staff during the school year Monday-Friday from 2:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. who can help them with their homework in all subjects, including a tutor who specializes in math. If a child or teen needs assistance outside of that specific time frame, they can work out an alternate schedule with Academic Coordinator, Susan Zimmerman, who can be reached at or 920-312-8895.

Wet Hair Club

The Club’s Wet Hair program helps members meet their personal hygiene needs and learn skills to become more independent. Youth who are in the program are able to shower and wash their clothing at the Club, receive haircuts, and work one on one with our Family Support Coordinator to learn about healthy hygiene habits. They also will receive clean clothing and hygiene products as needed.

If you would like more information about this program, please contact the Director of Youth & Family Engagement, Danielle Bittelman, at or 920-233-1414, ext. 124.