Character & Empowerment Class 6 - Character & Etiquette

Event Details

Event Description:

Today's Class: Character & Etiquette, taught by Club Staff

Girls must have signed up for the Character, Empowerment & Afternoon Tea Program to attend. 

This summer marks the 14th year of the Character, Empowerment & Afternoon Tea Program for Club girls ages 7-10. The program, taught by Club staff and partners from throughout the community, encourages them to be proud of the unique people they are and helps them develop positive character and leadership skills. Girls in the program will attend six classes and learn about giving back, celebrating differences, self-expression and self-esteem, living a healthy lifestyle, and more.

In August (Date TBD) we will celebrate the girls' completion of the classes at Afternoon Tea. Tea will be held at The Gibson Social Club in Oshkosh. Each Club girl receives a brand-new sundress and a pair of colorful flip-flops to wear to the Tea. To top it off, they even get their hair professionally styled by local stylists!
* Class Topics subject to change
Audience: 7 year olds, 8 year olds, 9 year olds, 10 year olds

Date & Time

Friday August 9th, 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am