Incident Reporting

It is imperative that all board members, staff and volunteers have easy reporting methods if they feel someone is not acting in the best interests of the Club or is violating policy. The reporter should not feel there will be any repercussions to them for voicing their concern.

An Ethics Officer is established to aid with these situations. Questions on reporting should be directed to the Ethics Officer if there is concern about appropriateness of the issue. The Ethics Officer will be the Board Treasurer or the HR Committee Chair.

Board, staff and volunteers are expected to report any and all unethical behavior. Examples of unethical behavior, whether committed by a board member, staff member volunteer, or alumni member include, but are not limited to:

  • Inappropriate relationship with an adult or child.
  • Inappropriate use of Boys & Girls Club funds or any funds raised outside the Boys & Girls Club to benefit the Boys & Girls Club.
  • Inappropriate use of technology.
  • Inappropriate behavior outside the Boys & Girls Club that can adversely affect the reputation of the organization.
  • Inappropriate use of Club files or other Boys & Girls Club information.
  • Volunteers should report any concerns to the Program Director. If their concerns are with the Program Director, volunteers should report their concerns to the Director of Club Operations. If their concerns are with the Director of Club Operations, the volunteer should report their concerns to the CEO.
  • Staff Members should report any concerns to their direct supervisor in the case of another staff member or another supervisor being the violator in question. If their concerns are with the direct supervisor, the volunteer should report their concerns to the CEO.
  • Board Members should report any concerns to the CEO.
  • If any concerns are with the CEO, the Board President or Ethics Officer should be contacted.
  • If any concerns are with a Board Member, the CEO, Board President or Ethics Officer should be contacted.

A Code of Ethics is reviewed each year by each staff member and board member. Appropriate disciplinary action for violations will be determined by the Human Resources Committee, up to and including termination of employment. The Ethics Officer should be a part of this committee.

If you believe you have been retaliated against, you should notify the CEO, or Ethics Officer, who will investigate your allegations and take appropriate steps to prevent or correct any retaliation that is found to have occurred. You have the right to file a complaint with the Equal Rights Division of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (“ERD”). The ERD will similarly make an investigation and determine whether unlawful retaliation occurred.

Employees who report information they know or should know is false or misleading are not protected under the law. Employees who deliberately report information they know or should know is false or misleading may be subject to discipline, including termination.

Boys & Girls Club of Oshkosh Ethics Officers: Hillary Anderson.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America also provides a confidential, toll-free Child Safety Helpline to all current or previous Club staff, members or families to report any incident or situation in which they feel unsafe. To access the Child Safety Helpline, call 866-607-SAFE (7233) or email


Proud sponsor of Healthy Habits and Triple Play programs

The Boys & Girls Club of Oshkosh is a United Way agency.