Boys & Girls Club Blog

Why the Club is a Special Place During the Holidays

There are many things that make our Boys & Girls Club special during the holidays, but one thing that rising above others this time of year is how much love and support we receive from our community. We have many donors, sponsors and friends of the Club that work hard and give, so all that families who are part of our Boys & Girls Club can have a better holiday season. For instance, many Club families received a Thanksgiving meal last month, many members have received winter boots, jackets and snow pants and personal hygiene items that were donated to our Basic Needs program. We also have many Club families who will have a brighter Christmas because of generous donors in our Adopt A Family program. None of this would be possible without the generosity and kindness of others!!

While the Club is often the recipient of giving, we also know this is the season for giving. We are continually encouraging our members to give back and always looking for ways to help out our community in return. Most recently, we had 30 members help carry banners in the Oshkosh Holiday Parade, we have members working with the Oshkosh Public Library to help decorate meal bags for the Meals On Wheels program, members have made cupcake treats for the staff at Bella Vista and have taken treats to our police officers who work hard to serve and protect us. Among other things, members also help around the Club serving dinner and snack, cleaning and helping staff with whatever is needed.

Thank you to all that have helped and are part of the Boys & Girls Club family this holiday season!! If you are interested in celebrating with us, please join for one of our Christmas parties either on December 10th from 5:00 – 7:00 (members & families) or on December 13th 6:00 – 8:00 (teens only).